Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pro-Tip: Vote Early

The campaign is going strong, even after I have left for grad school.

Rogene's making more public appearances and I've lined up a few volunteers to take my place.

Congrats to Rogene for getting the Houston Young Stonewall Democrats endorsement! She also received the Houston GLBT endorsement committee's recommendation. This is a testament to her commitment to diversity and standing up for all Houstonians.

Pro Tip: Vote Early and Don't forget to request a mail-in ballot if you're away on Election Day
As a former election precinct judge, I though I'd share some important dates to keep in mind.

First Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail
(i.e. for the elderly who qualify, and college students, military, etc. who are residents of Harris County but not physically there on Election Day. Your ballot will be sent to an address outside of Harris County)

Once you request a mail in ballot, fill it out, and send it in, you'll receive the official election ballot in the mail. The signature on your application and completed ballot are cross-checked by two people (one from each party) to verify it is you.
September 6-Oct. 25, 2013

Last Day to Register to Vote
(pick up forms at your local public library or most county wide offices)
Monday, October 7, 2013

First Day of Early Voting Avoid the Election Day lines! Check out your County Clerk's website for location of polls ( You can vote at any of these polls! How convenient! Just bring your photo ID. Monday, October 21 - Friday, November 1, 2013

 ELECTION DAYVote at the precinct location near your house (or the address you used where you registered to vote). Again, check the website to see where your polling location is. November 5, 2013 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Don't forget, any voter standing in line by 7pm can vote.

NOW HIRING: Election Clerks
As always, elections don't happen in a vacuum. People make it happen. Sign-up to be an election poll worker at any of the polls in your county. It's a paid position but also a feeling of performing a civic duty. High school students (age 16 and up) can also work on Election Day! Contact your local County Clerk's Office (the office in charge with organizing elections in that county).

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What Drives Me

You know it has been a good day when you can get members from the religious, business, non-profit, and media communities together in a room to talk about civic engagement and how to get-out-the-vote this November.

Non-partisan. No outside agenda. Just the interest and desire of getting more people engaged, registered to vote, informed about the candidates/issues. 

Today, I put aside my campaign hat and embraced the one that has always been there: community activist.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Multilingual Houston, A Better Houston

Alas, Houston has lived up to its reality -- as the most diverse city in the country, Mayor Annise Parker announced yesterday that the city will begin providing critical city information in the 5 most critical language other than English.

"This is about making sure different populations have access to critical services," Mayor Parker said, noting this would help people better access health and safety issues, how to navigate the municipal courts, understand a bus schedule, and convey information to emergency respondents.

 The Mayor announced the multilingual initiative at a press conference that culminated with the signing of  Executive Order 1-17 in which the Department of Neighborhoods will help determine which 5 languages are most needed. The program is set to roll out over the next 6 months. (This is where public-non-profit partnerships come in. The Mayor signed the document flanked by some of Houston's leading public servants from non-profits and educational institutions.)

While the Mayor acknowledged practically everything is already available in Spanish, the City will identify the languages that are most needed, not necessarily the most spoken. For example, she said Hindi is spoken mostly by Indian and Pakistani immigrant groups, but those groups also came from a country where English was taught in schools.

My Predictions on the Top 5 Languages

I did a little research using Census 2010 data on the languages might be "most needed." The Census Bureau defines someone as having Limited English Proficiency if they reported "speaks English less than very well" on the Census. A look at the data from Houston metropolitan area (includes Sugar Land and Baytown) revealed 7 ethnic groups where over half of the population reported "speaks English less than very well." (See table)

2007-2011 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Percentage of Limited English Proficiency within group
  Spanish or Spanish Creole: 1,535,601 +/-6,272  
    Speak English less than "very well" 767,960 +/-6,922 50.01%
  Vietnamese: 88,964 +/-3,361  
    Speak English less than "very well" 53,054 +/-2,145 59.64%
  Chinese: 62,331 +/-3,158  
    Speak English less than "very well" 31,993 +/-1,929 51.33%
  Korean: 11,918 +/-1,242  
    Speak English less than "very well" 6,319 +/-800 53.02%
  Mon-Khmer, Cambodian: 4,156 +/-973  
    Speak English less than "very well" 2,113 +/-591 50.84%
  Thai: 3,019 +/-608  
    Speak English less than "very well" 1,530 +/-332 50.68%
  Armenian: 474 +/-229  
    Speak English less than "very well" 274 +/-172 57.81%
*Table is part of a larger dataset. E-mail for more details

Analysis: From this table, it might not be easy to determine which  5 languages are most needed. While percentage wise, these 7 languages indicate a higher need (at least 50% of the group is LEP) among the 40 languages listed in the full table, the number of people in that group is relatively small (i.e. Cambodian, Thai, and Armenian groups have about 2,000 people or less who LEP. This might not warrant full-scale translation and interpretation services. Perhaps City resources are more efficiently spent on another language group with a larger population but lower percentage LEP.

 In short, there's a need within the bottom 3 groups, but the frequency and likelihood that they will access City services is low compared to the top 4 language groups: Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Korean.

Interesting Observations:
In this dataset, I was surprised to see that there were no Hmong living in the Houston metropolitan area. Perhaps some of the people identify as Laotian (which number about 2,200). And there were less than 300 people who reported speaking a Native American language. I thought Texas would have a larger representation. After all, Texas History and Native Americans were an entire unit in the 7th grade public school curriculum when I was in school.

 Multilingual Access: the Evolving Needs of our Time

It seems about right that Houston began this multilingual initiative. While English is still the language of business and will help people better navigate their day-to-day lives, the level of English needed to navigate the court rooms, understand Hurricane warnings and evacuation procedures, or report crime tips is something even native English speakers might have difficulty understanding.

 If I was a victim of a crime, I would want all the witnesses to come forth and speak out. If I was evacuating from a hurricane (like I did in 2005 for Hurricane Rita) I would want other drivers to know the state closed all the highways going into the City and opened it as contraflow lanes so that everyone can evacuate safely and efficiently.

Economically, Houston will gain from its rich diversity. It's about being a better host city to its growing international profile. As a city that speaks more than 100 languages, has more than 90 consulates, and a growing number of investments, immigrants and refugees from abroad, it's about time.

According to think tank, Migration Policy Institute, Texas is 2nd in the number of individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). People with  LEP come from diverse countries, can be new immigrants or long-time naturalized citizens, and are members of our society.

 I'm thrilled that the City is taking more steps to be inclusive of all individuals in our society. It follows multilingual initiatives of other major cities like San Francisco, New York and all our federal government agencies, with the Presidential Executive Order 13166 that President Clinton signed and every subsequent president has renewed.